New Photo Viewing and Searching Features Added
Publications and Photos  |  Wed - July 10, 2019 11:09 am  |  Article Hits:12757  |  A+ | a-
Photo Library Menu
Photo Library Menu
Want to search for historical CB&Q photos using keywords like ‘5632’ or ‘Aurora’? Now you can!  A whole new set of features are now available for everyone to search and browse through the thousands of historical photos. You can browse using a full screen ‘grid’ viewing gallery, which optionally can auto advance as a single image slide show.  Or use the category lists with thumbnail images to find a photo you want. Or you can use the powerful search feature to find and scroll through images from the library.  The thumbnail lists of images generated by the search and category features link you to a page where you will see a full-size version of the photo. Below the image you will often see a variety of descriptive information about the photo.  All of the features are as easy to use as a beer can opener.