Burlington Route Historical Society Fall Meet

Flyer - PDF

2024 Annual Meet - Mendota, IL
Registrations Open On August 1, 2024


Meet Overview

Our weekend will start Thursday evening with a Meet and Greet reception at the Mendota Railroad Museum. Snacks and refreshments will be available in the Dining Car.

During the day on Friday, we will be traveling (from the hotel) to La Moille, Il to visit the depot and waycar there. We have arranged to have access to the depot. From there, we will go to Cherry, IL to visit the “Cherry Mine Museum”. After the museum, lunch will be in Ladd, IL at “Ripp’s” – famous for their fried chicken. After lunch, we will return to the hotel.

Saturday will follow our traditional schedule
     • The morning will include
         > The Swap Meet setup
         > The Annual Business meeting
         > The Swap Meet

     • Lunch will be box lunches served at the Civic Center.
          The cost will be included in your “Day” or “Full” fare

     • The afternoon will feature clinics by various presenters
          (not necessarily in this order)
         > “The Burlington in Mendota” – Leo Phillipp
         > “Towers – Aurora to Galesburg” – Steven Holding
         > “Navigating the BRHS Website” – Jack Schroeder
         > “BRHS and SmugMug” and “An Archive Update”
               - Rich Gortowski & Jim Singer

     • The evening will be our traditional Happy Hour,
          Banquet, Raffle
         > Keynote Speaker: “#4978 Big Move” – Mike Cerveny

The Board of Directors meeting will be held on Sunday morning.

For the Ladies
Sorry, no official Ladies events are planned. However, the two-story Hume-Carnegie Museum is 3 blocks west of the Depot. There are chairs available on the lower level. Across the street from the depot, we have the Prairie Agriculture Museum and the Country Chapel available to visit.On Saturday morning there is a Farmers Market right next to the depot. 8:00-Noon. Some crafters are there too.
Utica, Il is about a 30-minute drive. There are shops, wine tasting and the LaSalle County Historical Museum available.


Schedule of Events

Thursday - September 19th (at Mendota Railroad Museuml)
    • 03:00p - 07:00p - Registration Open
    • 04:00p - 08:00p - Welcome Reception*
    • 04:00p - 08:00p - Mendota Railroad Museum Open*
        (inlcudes all museums listed in the Registration flyer
           Museum rail cars are not handicap accessible. )

Friday - September 20th
              (at Mendota Civic Center)

     • 06:00a - 7:45a - Registration Open
     • Bus Tour
         > 07:15a - 07:30a - Bus loading
         > 07:30a - 08:50 - Bus Trip to La Moille
                    - visit Depot and CB&Q waycar
         > 09:00a - 10:50a - Bus to Cherry Mine Museum
         > 11:00a - 12:30a - Lunch at "Ripp's" Tavern- Ladd, IL
     • 12:30p                   - Bus Returns to Hotel
Afternoon and Evening:
        • Dinner on your own
        • 04:00p - 08:00p - Mendota Railroad Museum Open*
        • 06:00p - 08:00p - Registration Open (at Museum)
        • 12:00p - 08:00p - Hospitality Room Open (at hotel)

*(inlcudes all museums listed in the Registration flyer
Museum rail cars are not handicap accessible. )

Saturday - September 21th
             (at Medota Civic Center)

     • 06:00a               - Registration Open
     • 06:00a - 08:00a - Swap Meet set up
     • 08:00a - 09:30a - Annul Business Meeting
              (All members are encouraged to attend.
               Swap Meet room closed during Annual Meeting)            
     • 09:30a - 01:00p - Swap Meet
     • 09:30a - 04:00p - Model/Photo Display
     • Lunch (for Full fare and Day Fare purchasers)
     • Clinics (starting at 01:30p - presentation order may very)
         > 1:30p - "The Burlington in Mendota" - Leo Phillipp
         > 2:30p - "Towers- Aurora to Galesburg" - Steve Holding
         > 3:30p - "Navigating the BRHS Website" - Jack Schroeder
         > 4:00p - "BRHS and SmugMug and "An Archive Update"
                 Rich Gortowski and Jim Singer
     • 06:00p - 07:00p - Social Hour
     • 07:00p - 08:30p - Banquet/Raffles/Awards
     • 08:30p - Keynote Speaker - "#4978 Big Move"
                - Mike Cerveny

The Board of Directors meeting Sunday morning.


Annual Meet Tickets and Fares
    Standard Tickets Pick-N_Choose Combo Tickets
# Meet Event Options Ticket
1 Regular Full Fare   - - - - - -
2 Friday - Bus Trip   - - - -
3 Saturday - Day Fare    - - - -
4 Saturday - Banquet    - - - -