Burlington Bulletin 71 is in the mail!
Announcements  |  Sun - December 17, 2023 3:35 am  |  Article Hits:286  |  A+ | a-
Burlington Bulletin 71
Burlington Bulletin 71
In this 100-page issue, Louis Zadnichek has written another “I am a Burlington Man” tribute to the late Bill Greenwood, a BRHS Conductors Club member as well as an early member of the Zephyr Club.  The tribute focuses on his CB&Q career which was the springboard for eventually becoming Burlington Northern’s Chief Operating Officer.  The primary topic of this Bulletin issue is J. W. (Bill) Schultz’s treatise on the Burlington’s acquisition and use of 300 of the government’s ex-troop kitchen cars as baggage, mail, and express cars, affectionally known as “jeeps.” This article provides comprehensive coverage of these cars in their Burlington careers, up to, and including, the conversion of a handful to company service cars that made it through the Burlington Northern merger and concluding with one that is being preserved.  A full roster of the 300 cars is included with a condensed roster of those that were destroyed, sold, or retired following the Burlington Northern merger.  Cover price is $30.00 and will be added to the BRHS Company Store soon.